School Board Useful Links
Maypearl ISD Board Book
Here you will find Maypearl Independent School District's Board Agendas and Notices.
Maypearl ISD Board Policy
Here you will find Maypearl Independent School District's Legal and Local Board Policies in a searchable format.
School Board Policy Review Procedures and Guidelines
What is Board Policy?
State law provides the local school board with the authority to "oversee the management of the district" and to ensure that the superintendent implements and monitors plans, procedures, and systems to achieve the board's desired results in the major areas of district operations. Policy is the primary means through which these fundamental legal responsibilities are accomplished.
Policy defines the board's vision for the district, the structure for accomplishing the vision, and the system of accountability for all involved in realizing the vision. Board policy directs the actions of students, parents, and staff. It also directs those of the board itself:
In responding to emerging issues, conflict, and controversy;
In clarifying its own roles and responsibilities and those of the superintendent and staff;
In defining the decision-making process; and
In ensuring timely evaluation of programs, personnel, and activities.
Board Policy is divided into two sections (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) which are described below:
What is a (LEGAL) Policy?
Legal policies track the language of the U.S. and Texas constitutions, federal and state statues including the Texas Education Code, Texas Attorney General Opinions, State Board of Education rules, Texas Administrative Code, and other regulations, as well as other sources of legal authority defining local school district governance.
What is a (LOCAL) Policy?
Local policies are generated by our district to support legal requirements and to define the Board's vision for the district, the structure for accomplishing the vision, and the system of accountabilities for all who are involved in realizing the vision. Local policies are adopted by the Board of Trustees and until rescinding by Board action, have the force of law. If regulations are present with (LOCAL) policies, they are the action steps that complement the local policy.
What are local administrative regulations?
The district uses a process or plan to implement district policy. This is defined as an administrative regulation. The development and implementation of these regulations and procedures are coordinated through the district's administrators according to each person's area of responsibility. Local regulations guide implementation of policy, define standard operating procedures, and allow room for professional discretion and judgment, as appropriate. Administrative regulations are reviewed and revised by administrators as policy changes or circumstances warrant, in addition to an annual review. Regulations are not adopted by the board. Exhibits consist of suggested form letters, manuals, notices, and reports.